• Question: Is it true we only use like a quater of our brains or something?

    Asked by issiphee1 to Iain, Jo, Leo, Mariam on 23 Jun 2010 in Categories: .
    • Photo: Leo Garcia

      Leo Garcia answered on 23 Jun 2010:

      Nature is, in general, not wasteful. The idea that humans have evolved a large brain, 90 % of which is (apparently) unused, goes against our understanding of evolution. Fortunately, the “we only use 10 % of our brain” statement is a myth. The truth, as always, is much more interesting – people use all of their brain, BUT: are people born with a potential for particular talents (from the genes they inherit), or are people’s abilities just a consequence of the way they are raised? Ask yourself the question: was Einstein a genius because he was born one, or was he raised to be a genius?

      I suppose the issue that the myth highlights is: are you reaching your full potential, and, are you doing the very best you can and applying yourself to lots of different problems? In the words of Radiohead:

      “You can try the best you can. The best you can is good enough.”

      Have a look here:

